澳門理工學院校友現憑澳門理工學院校友卡惠顧「澳門百老匯™」指定食肆可享 9 折優惠!
優惠期: 2020 年 2 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日
查詢電話: +853 8883 3338
共 30 家指定食肆:
- 百味館
- 胡椒廚房
- 33小籠包
- 加東
- 榮記荳腐麵食
- 度小月
- 皇冠小館
- 巴山酸辣粉
- 滷友記美食
- 鳳城禮記魚翅海鮮酒家
- 火宮殿
- 李家菜
- 牛牛小吃
- 梓記牛什
- 新馬路成記粥品
- 新斗記
- 翠華餐廳
- 義順牛奶公司
- 澳門路屋
- 杏香園
- 華生行
- 泰潮
- 添好運點心專門店
- Rethink Coffee Roasters
- 福龍葡國餐
- 千笹日本料理
- 愛爾蘭達菲吧
- 爀樂燒肉 by 佐賀橫町
- 松花湖水餃
- 好彩海鮮火鍋酒家飯店
- 滴果林咖啡
此優惠不適用於瓶裝酒類, 活海鮮類, 鮑參翅肚類及煙草類產品。
Promotion period: 1 February – 31 December 2020
Offers details: 10% off at designated restaurants at Broadway Macau™
Enquiry hotline: +853 8883 3338
Designated restaurants (30 restaurants in total)
- Broadway Kitchen
- Pepper Lunch
- 33 Xiao Long Bao
- Katong Corner
- Ving Kei Tao Fun Min Sek
- Du Hsiao Yueh
- Wong Kun Sio Kun
- Ba Shan Spicy Noodles
- Lo Yau Gei Mei Sik
- Fong Seng Lai Kei Restaurant
- Huo Gong Dian
- Lei Ka Choi
- Ngau Ngau
- Chi Kei Ngao Chap
- San Ma Lo Seng Kei Congee
- Xin Dau Ji
- Tsui Wah Restaurant
- Leitaria I Son
- The Roadhouse Macau
- Hang Heong Un
- Wa Sang Hong
- Thai Chiu
- Tim Ho Wan, The Dim-sum Specialists
- Rethink Coffee Roasters
- Dragon Portuguese Cuisine
- Chi Sasa Japanese Restaurant Cuisine
- Duffy’s Irish Pub
- Kakura Yakiniku by Ufufu
- Songhuahu Dumplings
- Hou Choi Seafood and Chinese Fondue Restaurant
- Digreen
Terms & Conditions:
To enjoy the offer, valid association/universities’ membership/staff/student card or other proof/identification must be presented upon payment.
Offers do not applicable to 10% service charge.
Offers do not apply to bottled alcohol, live seafood, deluxe dried seafood and tobacco products.
This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers/discounts.
Blackout dates apply. These may include public holidays, festivals (eve and day of) and any other days determined by participating outlets. Please check with respective outlets for details.
Offers are subject to availability, offer details may change without prior notice.
All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of New Galaxy Entertainment Company Limited.